Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Tips of Preparing for Hurricane

  1. Learn about the potential damage of hurricanes to properties, human being and pets so the fearfullness of the aftermath could be relieved.
  2. Training of family members: how to shut down power, gas and water supploy; which place to go such as basement or small area.
  3. Know the international rescue signal "SOS".
  4. Learn about the evacuation route of the area.
  5. Prepare a water filter, emergency medicine and emergency supply kit.
  6. Learn about the location and route to several closest shelters.
  7. Make sure everyone in your family knows how and when to dial 911.
  8. Check insurance coverage including: disaster, home, personal and vehicles.
  9. Attend First Aid, CPR and disaster preparedness classes.
  10. Fill your car with gas. Make sure emergency kit is also in your car.
  11. Basic prescription pills and supplies.
  12. Personal hygiene supplies.
  13. Keep informed of the current hurricane warnings or weather updates.
  14. Always bring a evacuation map with you.
  15. Fill all possible containers such as bathtub, bucket, basins with as much water as possible.
  16. Strenthen your house especially exterior so wind and debris do not tear large openings in it.
  17. Put livestock and family pets in a safe area as they are usually not accepted at shelter areas when a tropical storm hits.
  18. Adjust frigerater and freezer to the coolest temperatures.
  19. Bring enough cash money with you. It depends on the situation when deciding how much.
  20. Don't forget to take identity card, passort, diploma, insurance and other important documents with you.

For detailed preparing document for hurricane, please visit(pdf file):

Living with Hurricanes

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