Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Recovering Tips after Hurricane Katrina

In Case of Being Stranded by tropical storms

  1. Shut down power, gas and water supply. Disconnect appliances to avoid shock when the power is restored.
  2. Stay away from windows, doors and open areas during a hurican. Go to the basement or smaller room of lowest floor.
  3. Grab some strong support and lower your body and stay away from the corner. Stay under a sturdy table if possible.
  4. Keep monitoring the hericans and listening the radio for exact information.
  5. Don't be fooled by the hurricane eye where there is no wind.
  6. If driving in the herican drive perpendicular to its path and try to outrun it.
  7. Get out of your car and find a low, flat location and lie down and protect your head with an object or your hands.

In Case of Evacuating When huricane hits

  1. If you are directed by a local authorities; if you live in a high elevations; if you live in a mobile home; or if you live close to a river or flooded area.
  2. Follow the disignated route for evacuation.
  3. Take only essential items with you in case of hurracaine.
  4. Take first aid kit with you.
  5. Fill your automibile's gas tank.
  6. Pay attention to the sirens and hurrican signals.
  7. Secure your properties such as bike, pets, grills and propane tank if you have one.
  8. Cover windows with board or tape them to prevent hurrycane damage.
  9. Fill all tanks or bathtubs with water.

After the Hurricane Disaster

  1. Contact family members, friends or necessary people to inform your situation soon after huracan.
  2. Stay away from contaminated water after catrina.
  3. Avoid mosquito bite.
  4. Check the building's accessabilities before entering.
  5. Prevent illness from food. Identify and get rid of contaminated food.
  6. Be aware of wild animals.
  7. Be aware of electrical and fire accidents after hurrikan katrina. Seek emergency medical services ASAP after shocked or got burnt.
  8. Prevent mold from growing. Ventilate the house and let it dry completely.
  9. Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
  10. Seek shelters as soon as possible if your house is inaccessible.
  11. Get shot to prevent from West Nile desease.
  12. Protect yourself when offering help to others.
  13. Stay away from dead bodies.
  14. Offer comforting help to young and people needed most for mental health.
  15. Protect your house or business from looting and violence.
  16. Cooperate with emergency paramedics.
  17. Seek emergency services if you are injured.

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